Dom Sylvester Houédard and typewriter art

Posted: June 15, 2024 in Chat
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A collection of hand-made pamphlets/chapbooks have come into my hands recently, dating from the mid 1960s to 1970.
Some of these are remarkable.
I have here tantric poems perhaps… by Dom Sylvester Houédard, a Dominican priest and pioneer of typewriter art.

This collection dates from May 1967, and a second edition from August 1969. It is part of the Writers Forum Folder series, and is volume 2 of that series.
The contact and production address was given as 262 Randolph Avenue, London, W9.
Dom Sylvester was in contact with the Lissom Gallery from its early days, and it remains a main curator of his art.

tantric poems perhaps consists of a hard-backed envelope containing pieces of work on different sized cards, and an introductory typed note by Dom Sylvester (spelt Silvester). It is as unique as hand-made art can be.

Having written that my partner passed to me a site celebrating typewriter art from that period up until now:

and it is really quite remarkable what was achieved on, say, an Olivetti (Dom Silvester’s chosen machine) etc.

Dom Silvester is acknowledged as a leading theorist of the form. He explored Catholic prayer and contemplation, but also Buddhist meditation and Zen practices. He sought a language for conveying states of being of these practices.
He was wide ranging, and, as the Lisson Gallery introduction to his work notes, he also was exploring its links to cybernetics and Wittgenstein’s linguistic theory

For Dom Sylvester, this was not decorative art, or just exploring the possibilities of the medium of the typewriter, but essentially an exploration of communication of experiences, states of being.

  1. Finola says:

    this is amazing.

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